Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Whischkerrs Ritez:

Dera Ceiling Cat I has silli kvestchun:

Me nos lajks teh cheez on teh cheezburgerz.
I can has teh burgerz wifaot teh cheez?

Pls saves me form teh Basement Cat

Yuorz fejtfulli,

Deer Whischkerrs,

Soem kittehs mai liek to DO NOT WANT cheez on der cheezburger an ai tink dat is okai. Soemtiems just hafin teh burger is gud. Soemtiems just hafin teh cheez is gud. In kitteh Ceiling, tho, yu can has hamburger, ai promis.

Soemtiems wifout cheez,
Ceiling Cat


Quasi said...

Ceiling Cat, our female said to tell you that she has you listed for her religion on her Facebook page. By the way, I'm happy to do penance for my sins by eating the cheez that other kitties do not want.

Anonymous said...

Wat! A cheezburger without cheez? I surely not nom that cheezburger.

Quasi said...

Oh Ceiling Cat, I humbly ask for your blessing for my new iMix, called "Quasi's Cool Cat iMix." The list of songs is on my blog at if you don't have iTunes. But since you're Almightly, I'll bet you certainly DO have iTunes.