Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Claire Ritez:

Hai ceilin cat i iz a kitteh and don't kno much i iz on mai hoomans computer and needz some answers nowz

why iz de hoomans get de oposible thumbs and use of de can opener??
i wouldz like to do that too

Dere Clare,

If yu has oposible fumbs an can has use teh can opener wat can teh hooman do? Hoomans are maid to serv teh kittehs ov teh Urfs, srsly.

Wen ai coem bak ai see bout teh oposible fumbs for everee kitteh. Until den, tho, yu needz kepe gettin teh pets an teh eer scrachez, rly. I maed hoomans liek doin dat.

Kepe Meowing for Meowmix an stuffz,
Ceiling Cat

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